Demystifying the Cash Conversion Cycle: A Key to Business Financial Health
The cash conversion cycle is essential for understanding your company's financial health and operational efficiency. Business owners should master it to comprehend their company's financial livelihood.
2024 Tax Deadlines
Deadline for S-Corp and Partnership (and LLCs taxed as a partnership) tax returns.
The Power of Quarterly Rocks in Driving Small Business Success
In the constantly changing world of small business, it's easy to get caught in the day-to-day tasks and lose sight of the big picture.
Quit Making 1099s So Painful
Most business owners have heard of 1099s and have come to recognize the pain in January of collecting information for and issuing them.
Ohio Development Grants, Tax Credits & Loans
JobsOhio provides grants, tax credits and loans to support economic development in the State of Ohio.
2023 Tax Deadlines
One of the most frequently asked questions we receive during tax season is around due dates.
Is Your Business Recession Ready?
Based upon news articles and the opinions of many experts, we are headed for a recession.
AI Powered Humans and the Effect on Advisory Services Part 1
As technology continues to disrupt the accounting industry it is becoming more common to hear that AI (artificial intelligence) is going to take away our jobs.
The COVID-19 Stimulus Package & PPP Relief, Trump Offers Veto Threat
Overall, the bill seems to be a net positive, with some much needed changes and additions for small businesses.