Begin With the End in Mind

As part of building strength in your business, it is important to have a solid plan in place to guide your future growth and success. Whether you are looking to prepare your forecast, add on a new business line, increase profitability, hiring or get funding, beginning with the end in mind is a critical step. By envisioning where you want to be in the future, you can work backward to create a framework to guide your decisions and ensure you achieve your goals. 

Defining Your Desired Outcome

The first step in effective business planning is to clearly define what you want to achieve. This involves deep reflection on several key aspects:

  • Business Vision: What is the overarching goal of your business? This vision should be ambitious yet attainable, serving as the north star for all your strategic decisions.

  • Core Values: Identify the values that are non-negotiable in your journey. These values will guide your actions and decisions, ensuring they align with what you stand for.

  • Personal Aspirations: Consider what you, as the business owner or leader, hope to achieve personally through the business. How does this intertwine with the business's vision?

  • Alignment: Assess how your personal goals and the business vision complement each other. It may be necessary to adjust one or both to ensure they are not just coexisting but synergistically working towards a common end.

Building Your Roadmap

With a clear vision and set of values, the next step is to construct your roadmap. This involves understanding two critical points:

  • Current Position: Assess where your business currently stands. This includes financial health, market position, operational capabilities, and team dynamics.

  • Desired Destination: Define in clear terms what success looks like. This could be a revenue target, market share, a specific level of profitability, or other measurable outcomes. Take time to make sure that this destination aligns with your business vision, core values, and personal aspirations as during this stage it is easy to get caught up in the vanity of revenue and profitability and lose focus on the bigger picture.

Are Your Actions Moving You Closer?

Every action and decision in your business should be scrutinized through the lens of this question: Is this moving us closer to our goal? This ongoing evaluation serves as a compass, keeping you on track and alert to necessary course corrections. It's not just about doing things right; it's about doing the right things.

  • Strategic Actions: Identify the key actions that will drive you towards your goals. This could involve expanding into new markets, developing new products, or enhancing operational efficiencies.

  • Resource Allocation: Ensure that your resources – time, money, and personnel – are being invested in areas that yield the most significant movement towards your goals.

  • Performance Metrics: Establish clear metrics to measure progress. These should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).


Beginning with the end in mind transforms business planning from a mere administrative task to a strategic tool for success. It's about envisioning your destination, mapping out the journey, and consistently ensuring that every step taken is a step closer to where you want to be. Remember, the power of a well-crafted plan lies not just in the destination it sets but in the clarity and direction it provides every day of your business journey.


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